Sunday, June 04, 2006

Promoting Writers

Back at the beginning of March I mentioned that someone I know won a literary prize -- Ahmad Saidullah won second prize in the short story category of the CBC Literary Awards for "Happiness and Other Disorders." As I said at that time, I like to promote other writers whom I know, which I'm taking the opportunity to do once again...the story was just published in enRoute and can be read here.

And while I'm doing this, I found out a couple of weeks ago that one of my sisters has had poetry published in an anthology called Shift & Switch. I haven't had a chance to actually get my hands on a copy yet, but it apparently "offers a unique alternative: radicality, innovation, and experimentation with sound, visual elements, mathematics, surrealism, and ’pataphysics, in convenient book-form! Crack the spine to discover Canada’s emerging, evocative avant-garde poets and their electrifying poetry."

Check 'em both out!

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